How many people fully understand what love is all about. Isn't it sometimes funny how people you love do not love you back and those you don't love are crazy about you, or how you know some guy or girl isn't good enough for you but you just cannot get over your feelings, and you just want to be with them (and you do and sometimes get hurt or not). Or how you know your relationship is immeniently coming to an end but you still hang on because you cannot imagine life without them. Or you cannot imagine being with someone else because you have been with your partner for a couple of years. Or the thought that you would die if they left you. Or that you would never get over an ex. Or how come your ex moved on faster than you and you are still so lonley and without anyone! Or why a happy relationship just crumbles. Why you argue all the time. Why you are not such a happy couple anymore. Why your spouse suddenly asks for a divorce. Or why your spouse or partner cheats on you. Why all you want is to be happy and settled in a relationship and you just havent gotten it. Why everyone around you seems to be in happy and loving relationships and you are not. Why you have had a string of bad relationships. Why that really cute guy / girl woludn't just notice you even though you dream about him / her all the time. Why you feel the pain LITERARILY when you get heart broken.
Well i am as clueless as everyone else. We all just pray we find people who are made for us, People who will reciprocate our love and who wouldn't hurt us intentionally. Relationships and indeed life is a risk! All i can say is always give love purely and freely, you may not get it back from the one you gave it to, but you will surely get love back in return!
There's this saying (I don't know if you've heard it): "Love is a fire - but you never know if it's going to warm your heart or burn your house down". I quote it here because I think it's something you'll agree with not really because I believe it myself. I think love is more like a disease that we sometimes have to learn to live with, an ailment characterised by a narrowed field of vision, delusions of significance and irrational ideation. "Aversive conditioning to the provoking stimulus may be of value but the patient is susceptible to infection by a different strain of the same pathogen. Marriage, though drastic, is the definitive cure."
I tend to view love as a capacity. Our capacities are different! Someone loves somebody who does not show them love back. Someone does not love somebody else who shows them 100% loving undoubtedly. Someone loves somebody, and so great a thing is if that somebody loves them back too............the two then tango delightflly, no qualms.
However, love is really what you do and not what you say. For you can be saying something else and passing on another meaning unknowingly. in capacity i mean "Never bite more than you can chew".
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